Stu Martyn’s Workshop

Stu Martyn is a very talented engineer, who has been prolific over the years in the making of diverse sorts of models, from cars, boats, traction engines, locomotives, stationary models and even toys. This range of model engines earned him the nickname, The Toy Maker. While he has given away many of his creations, you can see a few of them displayed  in the photos at the bottom of the page.  Stu has shared his thoughts on engineering in an article An Engineer’s Story, and also videos of his models in action on our YouTube site.

Click on a picture to view the members’ shed or workshop of your choice

Stuart’s Articles
Stuart’s Photos
Come and see ‘The Beast’, a traction engine built by Stu Martyn, in the NDMES Photo Gallery
Stuart’s Videos
View Stu’s videos on the NDMES YouTube site.



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